Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bye Bye Parker

It was a bitter sweet day today.
We had to say goodbye to little miss Parker - it was the last day that I will be looking after her before the move.

Although they have their moments of feud and downright nastiness, Little E and Parker have become like sisters. Holding hands whenever we go for a walk, hugging and kissing and imitating each others emotions. Little E acts like the responsible older child (bossy? or perhaps leader is a nicer description) - reminds me of myself when I was little. She's always looking out to be sure that Parker gets a piece of whatever she has demanded, or retrieving Parker from the living room when I'm trying to suit them up and herd them out the door - "come on, come on Parker".

I wonder how long it will take to adjust.

Parker's mommy bought Parker and Little E matching leggings and tunics that they are sporting today.

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