Sunday, January 1, 2012

We've Landed

Whooee my writing fingers are a little stiff, hopefully this all makes sense ;)
So far so good!
It's really comfortable here at Granny's house, and Little E especially loves the chickens in the backyard. She greets them with a "good morning girls" when she walks the doggy with Daddy in the morning and helps Granny feed them in the afternoons. They won't replace her friends and rellies in Vancouver but they sure do a good job of keeping her interested here.

It seems like Little E is settling in quite well. We have her room all set up with her crib, toys and books. And she's getting to know Granny's neighbourhood going on walks with the dog. She's talking about Granny, GG and Great Granny a lot with them around more now (although Parker, Maddie and Izzy still make regular appearances in her stories). I am looking forward to introducing her to some new little friends - and meeting some myself.

I am enjoying the short distances to virtually everything and the ample parking once there. The extra pair of hands on Little E is pretty fantastic too. We have been touring the house inventory and haven't found anything promising yet, although there seems to be a lot on the market with more promised now that the new year has rolled around. Now we just have to get ours on the market…

Here are some photos of our Christmas excitement over the past week.
Happy New Year!!

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