Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our Routine

We're feeling so much more settled now.
We have a routine and we're starting to get to know our way around now - things are feeling more familiar. One of the ways I can tell I'm becoming an Islander again is the reluctance I now feel to leave the Island.

Little E is making some new friends here too. We have a music class every Monday (that a girlfriend of mine just happened to sign up for with her kids) and a play gym class every Wednesday. I will take some photos of the play gym tomorrow - it's amazing!!! The first time we went, I could barley get Little E's coat and shoes off before she was running into the middle of the gym to dive (literally) into a soft container of balls.
I start prenatal yoga tomorrow night and choir next Thursday - hopefully I can keep my food down during all of that deep breathing.

There have been some impressive new developments in Little E's activities. Tonight she made a salad - I mean while Granny was on the phone and I was out she tore up the lettuce and put it in the bowl making sure she tore off all the brown bits and put them aside! Brilliant!

She has become aware of the need for privacy during her bowel movements. She makes her way to the broom closet and proceeds to poo in solitude.

She dwells on and recites major events - I fell on the stairs while holding Little E and now she reminds me to be "careful mommy - ankle" on our way down, Granny broke her planter pot and Little E will not let it go! "Boom - pot broken", and finally the other day she was up on the counter while I was cooking and decided to taste the pretty hot pepper sitting on the pretty red dish. Hmm she points at the offending location and says "spicy"

Today Daddy C bought Little E a remote control car her own size. He is now the most popular person in the house.

These photos are entitled blueberry face and princess plays hockey:

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