Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

This post is a long time coming...I think it was last week some time that we went to the Pumpkin Patch out at Richmond Country Farms. It was a recommendation from my friend Kate and it was a good one!

Little  E and Parker loved the animals they saw including the old favourite - a dog, a close second - cows, and a new and highly appealing goat. Wandering around the pumpkin field was a classic photo op and I snapped away, but unfortunately my eye didn't translate to the lens. I got a few decent photos when the girls weren't chasing me. Getting to and from the tractor was a bit of a circus for me, but we managed and had a great time!

Here are some shots of the day...

1 comment:

  1. Yay!
    I loved going, the tractor ride with the music and all the classic old sing-a-long songs were so much fun. I'm super impressed you brought both girls on your own. Big props!
