Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gobble Gobble

What a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend we had!
Aside from the numbskull move I shocked us with on the way home (booked our ferry reservation for the wrong direction) we really enjoyed ourselves.
Family, Food, Adventure - what more could we ask for??

It started with a power outage at my mom GG's house just as the turkey was getting warm. We enjoyed a delicious bar-b-qued turkey and of course as we had just lit the last candle - presto - light. We had a yummy meal with our surrogate family the Tully's.
The next morning bright and early Little E, Daddy C and I went over to the said Tully's house to pick apples. They have at least 4 apple trees on their beautiful Denman Island property and we ended up with a couple of boxes of a few different varieties (we'll press them with our DIY club next weekend).

We arrived in Courtenay with threats of a resident cougar and feral cat. Guess which one we saw (luckily albeit somewhat disappointing) the domesticated kind.
Little E couldn't get enough of Granny's garden. On Monday morning, she crawled all the way down the stairs, put on her boots, climbed up into the stroller and said "doggy, walk" while pointing to the door. Daddy C, Granny and I grudgingly put on our coats, suited up Little E in her full body rain gear and huddled under a tree while she explored and chatted happily.

Last but not least...Little E busted out with a word this morning that neither Daddy C nor I knowingly taught her. We were in the front hall seeing Daddy C off to work and Little E pointed to the candle on our hall cabinet and clearly said "Buddha". Could it be? A buddhist in a past life, or has someone already been converting her?
Wow, never cease to amaze!

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