Monday, October 24, 2011

New Day

The weekend was very emotional and exhausting.
We were in the Comox Valley grieving the loss of Daddy C's little 12 year old cousin Marissa. And most of the planning and gathering was happening at Granny's house where we were staying. Little E was definitely affected by the mood and reflected our tears and solemn vibe clinging to us for most of the time.

The funeral was very moving and I managed to sing a song in honour of Marissa and her Dad. I sang Lullaby by Billy Joel - find it here...
Then on Sunday Daddy C built a shrine for the family to erect at the site of the crash.

The wake was held on Saturday night after the funeral and was a really nice evening. These occasions are so strange because all of the family and friends are together, and it feels as though it should be a happy time but we're mourning - weddings and funerals - the same but so different.

One really joyful thing took place during the wake though. Little E met her second cousins again as a more coherent being (older now). They are two of the sweetest little boys I have met (twins), and they spent a good 10 minutes walking around holding hands, hugging and stroking each other and sitting together in a lounge chair. All the while flashes were going off around them as we the family were madly snapping photos of the love in - I felt like paparazzi.

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