Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hard Days and Nights

I was so annoyed with my baby today!

Jeez!! I remember what my life was like independent and spontaneous, so guilt free and practically irresponsible! One thing that my dear friend said tonight that does jive these days though, is along the lines of: since having a baby conscious judgement has gone out the window. Interpret that how you will, I know you will...

The two of them, those little imps: little Parker and Little E. Alternating waking up from their 40 minute nap, of the day, like they knew I needed some time to myself. Still the apple of my eye, but man, all the wailing. It's your fault!! You should have slept!!!!

Anyway, enough with the rant. It's really not that bad. I went over to my dear friend's house tonight to watch the PVR'd final Oprah episode. Wine, sweets and tears; that will cure what ails you.
Here's a snap shot of me on my honeymoon, those were the days :)

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