Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mini Lou

This morning was wrought with screaming, crying, falling, grabbing and kicking – thankfully no biting.

Little E is back on the sleep training. We started last night with no nursing, just the Sleep Lady Shuffle which meant sitting beside her crib at 2:30am shhhing her back to sleep. It actually went very well. She only cried for about 10 minutes, then tossed and turned for 20 more before falling asleep and staying that way until a blessed 5:30am!

Her nap was not as successful. Parker had arrived which was a major distraction, and Little E was not at all impressed with being shhhed to sleep when nursing was going amazingly well for her and her pal was eating blueberry porridge right outside her door. We missed the first try entirely.

Poor little Parker needed to be held off her nap for an upsetting family matter that involved travel. So, needless to say things got a little messy around here.

Luckily the mantra I chant in these types of situations “this too shall pass” was once again true. Little E went off to sleep smoothly at about 10:30 and slept until 12:15 (that of course was it for the day), and Parker got a cuddle and story time before her mommy picked her up and hit the road.

I won’t say much more (I will leave out the rocking chair upside-down incident and the pack and play-results-in-rug-burned-nose incident) but I do have to mention mini Louongo at Glen Park today. The Dickens Annex let out and the kids flooded the playground. Parents were waiting with toys for sand play and snacks for hungry kidlets. The cutest thing we saw though was the little boy, playing goal for his big brother and friends in a game of cement hockey (played on a basketball court). He was a pint size participant complete with a mini hockey stick, full-face mask/helmet and an efficient, orange life preserver as body armour.

Here is a random photo of Little E admiring a bike (complete with her bike courier look).

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