Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Wish it were Lime

It started out as a pretty uneventful day of Mother/Daughter quality time.

We joined a couple of our girlfriends for lunch at the local cafe - The Outpost - and Little E filled me with pride by taking her cruising a step further. She pushed a chair around the cafe introducing herself to the diners and the lovely girls behind the counter.

Unfortunately, our afternoon took a rather negative turn.

Our dermatologist appointment lasted from 4:30 to 6:30 and consisted of photos, freezing and cutting. The doctor took 2 biopsies from her little chest to be cultured and tested. She handled it like a champ, it was me that got dizzy, sick and weepy from the procedure. (In case I wasn't clear yesterday - I feel pretty fuzzy right now - Little E had what looked like a little red bite on her chest after returning from Mexico and it has grown into the size of a quarter and shape of a bullseye).

The doc obviously wasn't fluent in Layman because I could hardly understand what he was saying about what his plan of attack would be. It consisted of me driving to VGH and navigating the incredibly confusing halls to find the lab, where I dropped specimen #1. Then I headed to another lab, actually The Centre for Disease Control where I dropped off specimen #2.

Now Daddy C is out picking up antibiotics to treat Lyme's Disease and I am an emotional wreck.

All I kept thinking while going through the process was - it could be worse. Thank goodness I'm not taking her to the hospital for heart surgery or going to the cancer research facility.

It might not even be Lyme Disease.
Please picture Little E in a healing little bubble of light for the next few days.

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