Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thank you frozen burger!

I am in bed at 7:50pm and couldn’t get here fast enough! Who am I? Mama extraordinaire that’s who!

Let me just say, I would like to meet whoever invented canned beans, clap her on the back in congratulations and say “thank you”! (Though you probably should’ve lined them with something other than plastic).

I made unintentional Thumb Chili today. It’s kind of like stone soup, only the magic ingredient is part of my thumb. We didn’t get to eat though because despite soaking the beans for 48 hours, simmering them for 45 mins and then slow cooking them for 6 hours they were still pretty crunchy. So, I ate the most delicious frozen (barbequed) burger on a toasted cheese bun. Daddy C had an organic chicken dog and went to yoga. The Thumb Chili is back on for another 10 hour round.

Yesterday I mentioned the end of my maternity leave…I still have a couple of months, but I have officially revealed my intention to stay at home and not to return to my job.
I am surprised by my emotion surrounding this decision when all along I knew this is what I wanted.
I suppose on one hand, the assurance of a regular paycheck was pretty nifty and I feel like I’m quitting my job without being completely sure of what's coming next. And on the other hand, I’m heading into a whole new lifestyle. No more coffee breaks, drinks after work, or dressing for the office.

Change is exciting G.

One last thing…since I forgot my camera on my outing today I will try to paint a quick picture out of words.
Little E on a swing for the first time, a poker face, a lounged position with one leg slightly up and the same arm resting casually on the swing bucket. She is swaying slowly and scanning with hidden fascination the high-pitched activity of the other kids in the park. Every once in a while giving me a little smirk as we come face to lips on the upswing.
She is so cool!


  1. congratulations on your decision not to return to work... it's a tough one. I have made the same decision for myself and baby Jack... scary and exciting at the same time!

    btw on the bean note:
    soak for 8 hours or more (add a bit of apple cider vinegar to the water)
    drain soaking water
    Boil for 1 & 1/2 hours with no salt -salt will make them crunchy
    I usually cook a large batch and freeze them for quick (er) meals ;)

  2. Rock star!! Thank you Debbie. I should have known the foodie would have some advice on this, really appreciate it! G
