Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Monster Board for Malaika

It's been really fun hearing about my friends having babies lately.
There are two in particular who have just arrived and I'm so excited to meet.

Little baby Malaika was born at the beginning of August and another little girl just yesterday.
Part of the fun for me, I must admit, is any chance for a party - baby shower included. I have just finished the first gift to be given when I'm back on the Island next week.
I got the idea of a felt board (bits of felt that attach to a board) from my fantastically creative neighbour and friend and added the Mama G or should I say Gaga monster inspiration.
I cheated slightly and bought the board from Collage Collage but it would be really easy to make (just stretch a piece of felt around a wooden frame and presto). Then I cut out monster bodies, eyes and mouths from multi coloured felt along with random shapes and just pressed them against the board. Fun!
The next project is an owl mobile...more on that later.

Little E has been loving her morning "moothy" lately.
Daddy C gets up with her and prepares a beautiful blend of banana, frozen blueberries, yoghurt, almond milk, flax oil, hemp and chia seeds, kale (perfect vehicle for greens) and whatever other fruit we have lying around. It's the only thing that fizzles the little fire cracker at 6:30 am. With beverage in hand, it's mute mouth to straw.

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