Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What an Easter

We're still here! I promise.
It was quite the weekend!
Four days of Island galavanting, eating, visiting and envisioning (our future there that is).

I will give you the summary recap of events:

- Friday we went house hunting! Really just checking out the market for the not to distant future. Little E hung with Granny, and readied the feast for that night. After a delicious dinner, as always we had a visit with our friends around the corner - still more interested in our doggie than babe, ahh the independent childless life ;)


- Saturday we went to a friends house for breakfast and Little E challenged their little boy to a battle of muscle - in the form of pushing each other around on a walker. Then off to the farmer's market - a beautiful sunny day. Some gardening at Great Granny's and finally we arrived on Denman Island for a Mad Hatter's Retirement Tea Party! So much fun.

- Sunday we (I) slept in, we ate, rested, walked played with my mom's brand new puppy (a mini Schnauzer) and helped to make the turkey dinner. Our dear family friends came over for the meal and Little E had another public kitchen sink bath. We had a raucous evening of drinking and merriment, complete with a toast to Auntie Char.

The only sour part of the weekend was on the way home. We were late by two minutes for our reservation and despite the crying baby (right on cue) they wouldn't let us on. Damn you BC Fiascos.

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