Friday, April 29, 2011

Back at Music

Little E started music class again today - she's in the 1-2 year old class with, lo and behold our little friend Jude (we went to Mexico with him and his folks). The class was so different from the first time around when the babies were kind of like little lumps on a log. Today it was like being in the zoo, chasing around the monkeys in their pen. I wouldn't have even had time to take a photo, I was to busy guarding my coffee and my baby's eyes from being poked out. (Next time I will not go into the war zone with a take out coffee).

Since we are on the topic of music I would like to share the info about my choir concert in case anyone out there in cyberland needs an event to attend on a Tuesday night...

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We went to the Naturopath today (the handsome, smart one at Sage Clinic) he told us that after this course of antibiotics we are through! After 7 weeks of medication it will be interesting to see if there are any noticeable leaps and bounds in her development or looks – like more hair for instance…

In the everyday there is no real evidence of any underlying illness, which is reassuring. Little E is walking up a storm, curious as ever and mimicking us so quickly now.

This morning, instead of digging in her usual Daddy C sock basket she found my undergarment supply and came out with a cute little pink and red G-string around her neck – dangerous I know, but don’t worry I won’t get her any till she’s much older.

It’s adorable and kind of freaky how she is catching on to gadget use. I was on the phone today a couple of times in a row; when I was talking to Little E’s grandpa on the phone, she picked up a TV remote held it to her ear, and walked around saying “hi”, “hi Daddy”.
She is the apple of his eye.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Tomorrow I will be babysitting our little play date friend Olivia.

I'm pretty excited about it for a couple of reasons. It will give me uninterrupted time to hang out all alone (well almost), and it means that Daddy C and I can plan a date - in fact we have an incentive to really make it happen.

One fantastic thing about the lovely women I connected with during maternity leave was the babysitting swap arrangement that we figured out. It means that since all of our babes go to bed at around the same time, we can get our respective offspring bedded down for the night and then head off to one or others house to mind their little honey, and swap. Free babysitting, a night out alone, a night out with our, win, win!

Mind you, I hope that we don't start to forget each other too quickly with the onset of our changing lives. As we go back to work and change routines we have naturally been seeing less of each other. I find it so interesting that life can offer situations that encourage a relationship of openness and vulnerability that helps so much at the time and then fades after such a short period. Babies bring intensity and change on so many levels.

For old times sake, here is a photo of some of our play date babes from a few months ago...

p.s. I can't wait until Little E's birthday party on Sunday. Apart from the handmade invites I have a few other fun thoughts to share with you once we're through. It's a Teddy Bear Picnic theme, and hopefully you will enjoy the bits and pieces as much as I am already!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What an Easter

We're still here! I promise.
It was quite the weekend!
Four days of Island galavanting, eating, visiting and envisioning (our future there that is).

I will give you the summary recap of events:

- Friday we went house hunting! Really just checking out the market for the not to distant future. Little E hung with Granny, and readied the feast for that night. After a delicious dinner, as always we had a visit with our friends around the corner - still more interested in our doggie than babe, ahh the independent childless life ;)


- Saturday we went to a friends house for breakfast and Little E challenged their little boy to a battle of muscle - in the form of pushing each other around on a walker. Then off to the farmer's market - a beautiful sunny day. Some gardening at Great Granny's and finally we arrived on Denman Island for a Mad Hatter's Retirement Tea Party! So much fun.

- Sunday we (I) slept in, we ate, rested, walked played with my mom's brand new puppy (a mini Schnauzer) and helped to make the turkey dinner. Our dear family friends came over for the meal and Little E had another public kitchen sink bath. We had a raucous evening of drinking and merriment, complete with a toast to Auntie Char.

The only sour part of the weekend was on the way home. We were late by two minutes for our reservation and despite the crying baby (right on cue) they wouldn't let us on. Damn you BC Fiascos.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Granny's House

We made the 3:00pm ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay in Nanaimo by the skin of our teeth and arrived at Granny's house at 6:00pm. On route I became reflective careening down the highway in the sun, passing all the leisurely Island drivers.

I was thinking about a question a dear friend asked me "should I have a baby?" After some clarification she meant "how do you feel about your life now and prior to having a baby...was it worth it?"

While heading towards Granny's the mantra that my dad always chanted about having your own life separate from your kids and spouse hit home. Although I have a great and close relationship with my mom, I still need my space. It led me to realize that I can't base all of my joy and fulfillment on my kid/s. It's perhaps a little early to be thinking about this as a brand new mom, but I think the earlier I model my own fulfilling life for my daughter the better. So, in response to my friend...although I have less money and less sleep I am trying to lead as fulfilling a life as possible, only now I have another person to cherish incredibly.

Here are some adorable photos of Little E at her Granny's house in Courtenay.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This Weekend Away

We're going away again this weekend - just over to Vancouver Island, but it feels like we could be packing for a major holiday in a foreign land. There is so much stuff that accompanies a baby, wow! Thankfully I just did it and remember the essentials (or forgot them there).

I feel like I have been complaining a lot about being tired lately, but I'm going to do it again anyway. I'm so tired. I hope I'm not losing my "glow".

Little E has been waking up at least once in the night and then getting up at 5:00/5:30am ready to start her exciting little day. She has also decided to commence a nap strike, limiting her day time sleep to two 30 minute stints if I'm lucky. I'm really hoping that this too is a stage and will pass into long lovely daytime naps like little Parker exemplifies. In any case Little E will probably only nap for 2 more years maximum so there's that to make me feel better. hmmm

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Last Weekend Away

Finally I’m writing about last weekend; it has to be today or it becomes the weekend before and that’s just way too far back and confusing.

Two big accomplishments took place: One, Little E signed for the first time – “more” and Two, I sang a solo for our concert on the Island J

The signing came while driving down the highway on the way to Courtenay. Auntie Soph was feeding Little E pear as a snack and it was a hit. Auntie Soph asked me if Little E was trying to tell her something as she was frantically hitting her fingers together in the sign for more. Ever since then it has been her go to communication for food, more, and probably a number of other thoughts we have yet to decipher. Along with the sign she is “saying” more – it sounds more like ma, but out it comes!

The solo went well I thought. I was really nervous, especially because I had to step out from my safe spot among the choir, and was one of only 3 sopranos when usually we have 9...but I pulled through. It may have helped that there was not a huge audience and most of the people there were actually mine and Auntie Soph’s friends and family. I have posted a link to a video that I am hoping you will be able to access. Please let me know if it doesn’t work…

p.s. Our choir  - Higher Ground - has a concert coming up on Tues. May 10th at  Mulgrave School in West Vancouver (time TBA).

Saturday, April 16, 2011


The birthday party was great! It was casual and fun with a bunch of friends all sitting around admiring our babies…so cute; 4 little boys and Little E.

Here is a great recipe for meatballs – Little E is a major carnivore! She loves them. I have given up on what I should and shouldn’t be feeding her and now just give her what we eat and make sure it's organic…

1 1-inch-thick slice of good white bread, crust removed
1/3 cup milk
½ lb. (227g) ground beef
½ lb. (227g) ground pork
2 oz. (57g) pancetta, finely chopped
1 large egg
1 Tbsp. fresh parsley, chopped
3 Tbsp. freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp. onion, finely chopped
freshly ground black pepper
1 cup fine, dry breadcrumbs

Put the bread and milk in a small saucepan and turn the heat to low. When the bread has soaked up the milk, mash to a paste and cool.

Combine all ingredients except the breadcrumbs in a bowl and mix thoroughly. (I put everything except the ground pork and beef in a food processor and pulsed until blended, then stirred in the ground meat).

Shape into meatballs about 1 ½ inches across. Roll in the breadcrumbs. Place on a lightly oiled baking sheet and broil on low turning regularly until done (about 15/20 mins). YUM

Here are some photos of Little E and her daddy gardening in the sun, and crisp breeze today, and one photo of the birthday babies.

Friday, April 15, 2011

First Birthday Politics

We are going to our little buddy Cole’s birthday party on Saturday. I am really excited!  I have always loved birthday parties. From the time I was wee I would plan for weeks, nay months to provide the perfect party; for myself, my sisters, anyone who needed (or was coerced) into my assistance.

I remember organizing a kick ass clown themed party for Auntie Soph when we were little. I had a blast! Too bad Auntie Soph was scared of clowns – oops, didn’t consult the client well enough there.

Now, come my baby’s one-year-old milestone I find myself a little apprehensive.
There are politics surrounding the first birthday!
Does the baby get her first taste of cake (aka SUGAR)?
How do I draw the line on the guest list; friends, family, mommy groups, etc etc
The gift policy…?

As I’m writing this I’m starting to feel a little foolish.
It doesn’t matter does it?!?! No she won’t have cake, I will. I am really lucky to have so many friends that I love and family too! Gifts…? Bring em on! She’s worth it and her friends are too. After all, I’m working now!

Wicked Meatball recipe coming tomorrow and a super easy sour cream apple pie on Sunday – just have to copy them out!!

Here’s a couple of photos of Little E going for exactly what she wants…determined little devil; and jamming on the piano with her friend Parker. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Stousin for E

We received the most fantastic news yesterday…Little E is getting a cousin or should I say stousin.
Our stepdad is truly amazing. Even writing this now I have to keep deleting and trying again to put into words how much I love him and why. He is gentle, and loving but by no means a pushover. He is creative and supportive and always has a comforting perspective on things. So, we fondly call him Stad. Our Stad’s beautiful daughter is pregnant.

 It’s amazing how a baby can provoke so many feelings. It is such an emotional passage for the parents of course, but also for the family and friends surrounding the new child. I actually felt bad about being so excited – like I’m not close enough to my stister to feel this joy. But that passed, and so did (I’m ashamed to say) the small spark of fear that my stad won’t love Little E as much. Thank goodness I’m over the all about me feelings and back to the utter thrill of another little being entering this world – and I’m lucky enough to love him/her.


(Since I haven't asked permission to print a photo of my stister, here's a belly shot of mine in her honour)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On Tenderhooks

Writing this right now during “nap time”. Parker is asleep since 9:30 in her zone. I think Little E is now finally asleep since trying at 9:30. I’m scared to go pee or do anything that might be deemed “for myself” for fear that the baby radar will go off and they will snap from their slumber to ensure I am on high alert.

I am wondering if adjusting to another little baby taking some of my attention is affecting her more than I thought. She seems so fine with it during the awake times.

The past few nights she has been waking up periodically and wanting to be soothed back to sleep. Last night she cried a couple of times and got herself back to it, but come 4:00am Daddy C finally went in to do the duty. She woke every half hour after that until finally I nursed her at 5:30 and she slept till 7:00.

It’s hard to be pissed off at an 11 month old, but that’s how I felt as I was bouncing her to Horse With No Name after 40 minutes this morning. Back to nap training???

Still waiting for my solo debut…will keep you posted. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Late Home

It is so enjoyable having little Parker here from Monday to Wednesday. I was unsure about how it was going to go, juggling naps and cuddles. Despite the minor hiccups though, this experience is solidifying my desire to have more kids!

The little rascals are so cute playing side by side with the pots and pans I piled on the floor for them today while I rushed through baking some muffins (with too much salt). I also love lunchtime when they chat to each other incessantly (probably about the food quality) and reach out for each other’s hands.

I took the girls for a walk today in our Craig’s list $40 double stroller. It feels like pushing a shopping cart compared to the swanky BOB stroller we have for Little E.

It was such a gorgeous afternoon and our walk was so much fun. We went with my friend Tami and her adorable twin girls. I felt like a force on the sidewalk as we paraded along, Jake leading the pack. I had a strange sense of pride about our little brood, until Jake decided to defecate on the sidewalk at the corner of Kingsway and King Edward (a very busy intersection) on route to the bus stop. He spread his offering along the span of the walk, humiliating my pride immediately.

Shortly after that rather disturbing experience I realized that it was 5:30, not 4:30 as I had thought – Parker’s mom would have been at my house 15 minutes ago!! Thank goodness Daddy C was home, holding down the fort when I arrived and P’s mom had gone grocery shopping – this is a sign of summer approaching…long days!

I will tell you about my weekend tomorrow, when I hope to have a little snippet of my solo for you to hear...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bow and Pay

We went for dinner last night at a little restaurant in China town called Bao Bei. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was charming, but Daddy C now calls it Bow and Pay because the bill was outrageous!
It was a little more pricey than we were expecting for the portion sizes; and to top it off, they wouldn't bring out the cake that our friend Dan had brought for Shannon's birthday treat without another charge. So we left with a sour taste in our mouths, and it wasn't the pickle assortment.

Today Little E and I are heading over to the Comox Valley with Auntie Soph so that we can perform with our choir on Saturday night (Auntie Soph and I, not Little E). I'm really excited about it! Although probably not as excited as the Grandma's...
I will check back in on Monday with a whole lot of Island photos and stories.
Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I thought the terrible twos were the onslaught of “tantrums”…I think I am getting a little taste of Little E’s passion.

When our friend Parker came over this week I saw what was probably some jealousy come out in my little angel. It started over a toy, (actually more of a stick) but now I’ve noticed the behaviour when Little E gets tired or frustrated. Especially when she’s not able to crawl or totter wherever she wants to i.e. the oven drawer, the magazine rack, and the shoe pile.

It comes out in a burst of arms flapping, a shriek and a face new to this display. It’s actually kind of cute, though I’m sure she would be even more infuriated to know I thought so.

Here is a photo of the two little babes having fun after “playing” the piano today, and the promised shot of our Armandii in colour.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My First Day

I had a great first day at work.
Here at my house in my usual routine, but add one baby…Parker.

It went really well. I was so nervous about putting them both down for naps, but it worked! Little E went first, dancing of course while Parker played nicely in her crib. Next I danced Parker to sleep. My alone time only lasted about 20 minutes before Little E woke up, but it was bliss.

I need to get used to having them both around before I venture into photography of the two little subjects. I felt like I’d had about 10 cups of coffee as I was running around trying to corral the little jumping beans.

So now I’m lying in bed anticipating sleep and feeling like a mush-head.
Please forgive my lack of eloquence tonight. I wish someone would dance me to sleep.

I wanted to show you a picture of our stunning Armandii Clematis taken just before the second baby woke today - it’s in black and white by mistake (I was rushing). I will get a better one tomorrow if it's sunny.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Really Darn Tired

The nap training is over and I have been trained.
I can’t handle it, and don’t think I should have to.

Daddy C thinks that last night was my payback from Little E, pissed about her nap changes she decided to wake up 4 times and yell at me – I think it was the curry.

After 2 days of torturous crying for over an hour in her crib, Little E has successfully communicated that our tried and true method of napping is just right. Apparently she sees no reason to stop the slow dancing and soft singing against a warm chest when it works so well to lull her to sleep. My back begs to differ, but she’s not interested in my back.

So, for my first day of work tomorrow (daycare for Parker) with 2 babies to soothe off to dreamland we will see how my training paid off.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Force of Nature

When I was little one of the highlights of my weekend was the TV programs I was allowed to watch on Sunday night: Road to Avonlea, The Wonderful World of Disney and The Nature of Things.

I remember seeing David Suzuki in the airport once and shyly asking for his autograph, giddy upon receiving it.

Tonight I watched Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie on CBC and am reminded of his charm. Suzuki is passionate about his field without being overbearing and the documentary was of course alarming and upsetting while still being gentle and relatable. He shared stories of his life and family that made me remember what was important in mine.

Experience, not stuff.

I am looking forward to one day taking Little E camping and teaching her that we are all a part of each other and Mother Earth. Why are we here? We are an essential part of the universal building blocks.  

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What I Gave Up

While I was having lunch with Little E the other day I realized I was handing over all of the juiciest morsels from my vegetable stew and the nicest looking pieces of fish. The day before I remembered I had given her a huge chunk of the salmon out of my salmon burger, leaving me with a bun that had a hint of flavour reminiscent of the original menu.

I started thinking about how I give up the best of what I have for her.
Then I thought I should rephrase that, it’s more like a pure devotion or love relinquish – like, I would imagine, someone of deep faith sacrificing for their belief.
It feels good.

I asked my girlfriends last night what they “gave up” for their babies and these were some of the thoughts…
-       Solids. I now make soups and stews thinking about what my babe can eat with us.
-       Sleep. Less wake ups though, now that I’ve figured out how to soothe him in bed with us as opposed to just offering the boob.
-       Open-mindedness. It’s so hard not be judgmental of parenting techniques, and then realize a few months later that I’m doing exactly what I thought I never would.
-       Spontaneity. I remember going out to restaurants on Valentine’s Day without a restless babe and being anonymous amongst other lovers.

It’s amazing how our lives change, and yet seem as though they have been this way forever.

I’m such a jerk with the recipe sharing – I do have some good ones I promise!!!
I really wanted to share these photos of Daddy C and Little E making breakfast for me this morning – I love my family.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Parker comes to tea

This morning Daddy C made breakfast and coffee and looked after Little E until 8:00am. Then we all sat down and ate together. What a treat!! It felt like the weekend came early.

Our little friend Parker came with her mommy to visit today.
I am going to be taking Parker 3 days a week while her mommy goes back to work. This should be an adventure!

The thing I am most excited about is the playtime that the two little ones will have together. I suppose the weather getting more summery will be a huge bonus too.
The thing I am most nervous about is nap time. Today I started a "training" regime for Little E to go down for a nap on her own instead of me dancing and singing her to sleep to Otis Redding, The Band, America and Ben Harper (partly I'll admit for the havoc her increasing weight is wreaking on my back). So far each nap today took 1 hour to accomplish - I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

I was really excited about Foodie Friday today cause I have 2 awesome recipes to share with you...since I had mommy night out tonight can I move them to the weekend? Thanks!